Saturday, August 14, 2004

Citizenship & Identity

In writing my last Blog about the film "The Village", I strongly criticized current US culture and politics. By doing this, I may have inadvertently offend some people. If you are one of those people, I apologize- that was not my intent. Perhaps a little background info will help add some balance.

While I live in Canada, I was actually born in Baudette, Minnesota, a great little town on the Ontario/Minnesota border. I am a full citizen of both Canada and the US, a fact that I am rather proud of. Despite how some would say that I am "American" by technicality only, my US citizenship means a great deal to me. It is part of who I am.

My comments in my last Blog, therefore, were not the shallow ravings of an American-hating Canuck, but the observations of concerned citizen. There are many who have jumped on the popular "Bash Bush" train, something I hope I am not too quickly associated with. Do I feel that George W. is a good man with good intentions? For the most part, yes. Do I think he is the man who should be running the country (along with his administration)? No, I don't.

However, as much as I criticize the current US culture and government, I also want to give it the credit it is due. Arguably, no other country in the world has done more for human rights, charitable giving and religious freedoms as the US. Their gift of vision and passion, looking beyond the possible, makes them a force to be reckoned with. Despite the fact that these strengths am sometimes abused (as every nation and individual is guilty of at some point), Canada has a lot to learn from our southerly neighbours.

I hope this helps calm the flames. Peace!


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