Wal-Mart: Love to Hate 'Em, Hate to Love 'Em...
I consider myself a socially responsible citizen, moderately speaking. In some areas I go farther than most (my wife & I live in a former gang house in the inner city to intentionally becoming part of the troubled neighbourhood & contribute to change), but there is much more I could do.
One area I specifically struggle with is shopping at Wal-Mart. Google the word "Walmart" and you will discover a great deal of material that sheds a dark shadow over the commercially espoused wonderland that they portray in ads. From worker exploitation to strategic and intentional economic destruction of community businesses, Wal-Mart has drawn fire and fury for years, quite often rightfully so.
Yet, while I will be one of the first to point out its failures and faults, I must admit... I shop there regularly. I know! For shame upon me and upon my descendants to come! A POX UPON MY HOUSEHOLD!!! I frequently have pangs of guilt each time I enter their doors or criticize them to others, as I should on many levels.
What can I say? On the type of "salary" I receive as an inner city youth worker, the low prices and broad selection afforded from its bountiful aisles have a great appeal. When faced with the cost of living, the desire to have a family and the need for quick, convenient shopping options, my ideals too often take a dive.
Anything I say hear will either sound like I am trying to justify myself (which I am not), that I don't really care (which I do) or some other inadequate reasoning. So I won't bother. I'll let you draw your own conclusions.
Hi, my name is Jamie and I shop at Wal-Mart. I have not shopped there for 4 days...
One area I specifically struggle with is shopping at Wal-Mart. Google the word "Walmart" and you will discover a great deal of material that sheds a dark shadow over the commercially espoused wonderland that they portray in ads. From worker exploitation to strategic and intentional economic destruction of community businesses, Wal-Mart has drawn fire and fury for years, quite often rightfully so.
Yet, while I will be one of the first to point out its failures and faults, I must admit... I shop there regularly. I know! For shame upon me and upon my descendants to come! A POX UPON MY HOUSEHOLD!!! I frequently have pangs of guilt each time I enter their doors or criticize them to others, as I should on many levels.
What can I say? On the type of "salary" I receive as an inner city youth worker, the low prices and broad selection afforded from its bountiful aisles have a great appeal. When faced with the cost of living, the desire to have a family and the need for quick, convenient shopping options, my ideals too often take a dive.
Anything I say hear will either sound like I am trying to justify myself (which I am not), that I don't really care (which I do) or some other inadequate reasoning. So I won't bother. I'll let you draw your own conclusions.
Hi, my name is Jamie and I shop at Wal-Mart. I have not shopped there for 4 days...
Something I already emailed Jamie and he thought it might be worth putting up here. I live in America where you can often find a Wal Mart with a McDonalds in the parking lot...the bastian of capitolism. I have some friends that are Wal Mart snobs and take the moral high road...to shop at ZELLERS! Yes, Zellers, owned by the Hudson Bay Co..hurray for the mistreatment of 1st nations! (that was a joke) The truth is that all Big Box stores undermine local shops and in the world we have created it is sometimes hard to aviod. If you must shop at Wal mart or Zellers or Canadian Tire, try to only buy things made in Canada or the States from a union factory. You can also do a search on the internet for No Sweat, a clothing company that is all union made as well as the "green pages" that lists several environmental and economically sustainable clothing, product and shoe companies. And the best way to shop with a conscience is to get as much as you can from the thrift store...they often hire folks that need job training, your money goes to support some worthy cause and you can be sure that none of your money ends up supporting sweat labor. One of the last few truly local options plus your look will be completely unique!
an American who actually cares
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