Saturday, September 04, 2004

When Groceries Travel

Once upon a time, a box of cereal took a trip. This tasty bit of "Uncle Sam Cereal With Real Mixed Berries" began its life by being boxed in Needham, MA. It was not, however, destined for the local shelves of Needham, but crated up, loaded into a truck and driven away.

Our adventurous little box waited and waited, wondering what city or state it may end up calling home. When the truck finally stopped, however, it was not at a supermarket or even a 7-11, but rather at an airport! Loaded into another crate, the box sat in the darkness as the ground slipped away from under him. Hour after hour, the miles past and still, the box wondered where he was going.

At long last, the plane landed, the crate was loaded into another truck and began it's journey anew, with the box knowing his travels must soon be at an end. And before long, the truck stopped and our box was carried, at last, into a grocery store... IN TAIPEI, TAIWAN!!! Our simple box of good old American cereal had traveled half the world over to end up in this bustling Asian city.

After days of watching the locals pass by, a couple eagerly snatched the box from the shelf. This was not a typical couple, however, but rather a Canadian pair who were teaching English in the country. Having tasted and enjoyed "Uncle Sam Cereal" before, they found it more to their tasted than some of the local breakfast cuisine. And so, this American cereal in Taiwan was taken home by a Canadian couple.

But this was not, by far, the end of the travel plan for the box. The couple had not bought the cereal for themselves, but rather for their Aunt, who they would soon would be seeing... IN CANADA! And so, packed tightly into a suitcase, the box once again crossed the ocean to find his way to Winnipeg, MB. The ride was bumpy, transferred from plane to plane, location to location, and his seams couldn't hold together. Embarrassed, the little box spilled some its contents into the case.

Having arrived, their contents cleaned up, the couple presented the box to their Aunt. The couple and the Aunt were staying with their cousins home for the visit. One evening, going out to celebrate the couples visit, the cereal was left alone on the table... well, not totally alone. Dino, the family Jack Russell, was also left behind. With a nose for food, Dino found the box, dragged it across the carpet and tore in for a treat.

A few days later now, the dog punished, the cereal untasted by all (except the dog), the shredded box sits on the couch next to me. What a strange and wonderful world we live in that a simple box of cereal can have such great adventures. How many other great stories hide behind the every day products? If we could all be so lucky.

And that is what happens when groceries travel!


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