Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Wal-Mart: Love to Hate 'Em, Hate to Love 'Em...

I consider myself a socially responsible citizen, moderately speaking. In some areas I go farther than most (my wife & I live in a former gang house in the inner city to intentionally becoming part of the troubled neighbourhood & contribute to change), but there is much more I could do.

One area I specifically struggle with is shopping at Wal-Mart. Google the word "Walmart" and you will discover a great deal of material that sheds a dark shadow over the commercially espoused wonderland that they portray in ads. From worker exploitation to strategic and intentional economic destruction of community businesses, Wal-Mart has drawn fire and fury for years, quite often rightfully so.

Yet, while I will be one of the first to point out its failures and faults, I must admit... I shop there regularly. I know! For shame upon me and upon my descendants to come! A POX UPON MY HOUSEHOLD!!! I frequently have pangs of guilt each time I enter their doors or criticize them to others, as I should on many levels.

What can I say? On the type of "salary" I receive as an inner city youth worker, the low prices and broad selection afforded from its bountiful aisles have a great appeal. When faced with the cost of living, the desire to have a family and the need for quick, convenient shopping options, my ideals too often take a dive.

Anything I say hear will either sound like I am trying to justify myself (which I am not), that I don't really care (which I do) or some other inadequate reasoning. So I won't bother. I'll let you draw your own conclusions.

Hi, my name is Jamie and I shop at Wal-Mart. I have not shopped there for 4 days...